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Where are my data files?

Your PPS data is located in a so-called PPS shared folder.

When you install PPS for the first time it will be added to your C: drive and the default path is:

You can also use a shared server, so the PPS data is shared/synched between work stations, and you can use several systems like SharePoint, Google Drive, OneDrive Dropbox and many others – as long as all workstations have permission to read and write on the specific server.

Find your shared data

Initially the default path is C:\pps8sharedfolder\PPS8

If you have your PPS data stored on e.i. OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Drive or Dropbox you can easily find where your PPS data are retrieved from:

Open the Register Editor application in your computer’s Start menu.

Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => SOFTWARE => AIR SUPPORT => PPS8 => Current Version => Common => InstallRoot
The data is stores where the “SharedDataPath” points to.

Find the path in PPS

You can also hover the mouse in the bottom of PPS application over your username to see where the data are retrieved from.
The path is only visible for information and cannot be edited in PPS.