Postflight general
This is the platform where flight data is stored after they have been completed.
All the flights will be stored within 15 minutes of the flights landing and the flights stopping sending data.
Click Postflight in the upper menu menu to enter the Tracking Overview.

Tracking Overview
The Tracking Overview provides a list of the tracked flights. Filter and More (3 vertical dots) options are available at the top-right of the image below, and the currently selected date range is shown in the bottom-right of the image below. There might be more than one page available for viewing, this is shown on the bottom left of the image above.

If aircraft are only tracked on the ground (typically an airfield re-positioning or maintenance event) the tracking row text is displayed as grey.
These grey rows are known as Insignificant Movements. The image below gives an example of the tracking of an airfield re-positioning event.

Show flight tracking
To view the flight tracking data, click the relevant Show Tracking Details icon in the right-hand column of the relevant row and the Tracking details will be displayed (as shown below).

Extended description of the tracking details can be seen below:
Function | Description |
REG | Aircraft registration |
ATC | ATC Callsign |
DEP | ICAO code for the departure airport |
DEST | ICAO Code for the destination airport |
ALT | ICAO Code for the alternate airport |
STD | Scheduled time if departure |
ATD | Actual time of departure |
STA | Scheduled time of arrival |
ATA | Actual time of arrival |
Sources | Tracking data source |
Position coordinates
In the Tracking section, all the positions reported along with other information regarding the flight is saved in the flight watch post-flight platform. There are likely to be many pages of information that can be viewed.
Raw data information
Click RAW DATA to view more detailed information on any specific position such as altitude, track, vertical rate, grid mora, squawk code, ADSB antenna name, Hex code of the aircraft, FPL number and other data.
Export data to Excel
All the tracking position data can be exported directly into Excel for further analysis by clicking the button Export to Excel-button.