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Notification Events

Function Description
Flight Landed Occurs when a landing has been detected on a tracked aircraft.
Flight Takeoff Occurs when a takeoff has been detected on a tracked aircraft.
Tracking started Occurs when a new tracking of an aircraft starts.
Tracking stopped Occurs when the tracking of an aircraft stops.
Emergency Squawk detected Occurs when the tracked aircraft squawks either 7500, 7600 or 7700.
Flight will depart later than scheduled Occurs when a late departure has been detected on a flight (25 min)
Flight will arrive later than scheduled Occurs when a late arrival has been detected for a flight (25 min)
Flight Deviated from Route Occurs when a flight deviates from the planned route by a set distance.
Flight Recovered Back to Route Occurs after a flight has deviated and subsequently moved back within a set distance of the planned route.
Flight Descending Too Fast Occurs when the rate of descent exceeds 3000feet/minute
Flight Recovered back to a Normal Descent Rate Occurs after a flight has experienced an abnormally fast rate of descent and subsequently recovered.
Flight Altitude Deviated Occurs when a flight deviates more than 3000 feet above or below the first planned cruise level.
Flight Altitude Recovered Occurs when a flight has deviated in altitude and subsequently recovers to within 3000 feet above or below the first planned cruise level