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Message parameters in OpsControl

The following Message Codes can be set in OpsControl when creating a new Notification:

Parameter Description Example Message code
Amount of deviation from route The amount of deviation from the route triggered after a sampled period of time. 75,1 {{deviation fromroutenm}}
ATC ID The flight number of the relevant flight. AS1001 {{atcid}}
Configured route deviation limit The Route Deviation Threshold configured in the Flight Watch settings menu. 75 {{maxdeviation fromroutenm}}
Departure airport The departure airport expressed in ICAO formatting. EKBI {{dep}}
Destination airport The destinaiton airport expressed in ICAO formatting. ESSA {{dest}}
Event occurred at The registered time of the event 11/28/2022 07:00:55 {{eventoccurredat}}
GUFI Unique Flight identification ID N/A {{gufi}}
Has flight plan? Is a flight plan filed for the relevant flight? True / False {{hasflightplan}}
Landing airport Departure, Destination, Alternate 1, Alternate 2, Other (with flight plan) and unknown (without flight plan) EKBI {{landingairport}}
Landing airport type The registered landing runway based on tracking details. Departure {{landingairporttype}}
Landing runway The registered landing time of the flight expressed in UTC. RW22L {{landingrunway}}
Landing time The latitudinal position of the aircraft at the time of the event. 11/28/2022 07:00:55 {{landingtime}}
Latitude The latitudinal position of the aircraft at the time of the event. N37:45:12 {{latitude}}
Longitude The longitudinal position of the aircraft at the time of the event. E010:56:33 {{longitude}}
Rate of descent in feet per minute The registered Rate of descent after a sampled period of time. 3007 {{rateofdescentinfeetperminute}}
Scheduled time of departure The scheduled time of departure of the flight expressed in UTC. 11/28/2022 07:00:55 {{std}}
Squawk code The registered squawk code at the time of the event AS track. 7700 {{squawkcode}}
Tail number The registration of the relevant aircraft. OYPPS {{tailno}}
Takeoff time The registered takeoff time of the flight expressed in UTC. 11/28/2022 07:00:55 {{takeofftime}}