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List of Weather Watch airports

All the threshold data entered can be reviewed and edited in the list of airports. The list can be expanded by changing Airports pr. Page at the bottom of the screen.
The dynamic search function can be used to narrow down categories of airports. Searching by the state identifier, e.g., EK in Denmark, will narrow down the list to only show Danish airports.

Name Description
ICAO The ICAO code of the specific airport. The default values will be added to the top of the list as ICAO code default.
Dep. Dest. Alt.

Green indicates that values has been entered for that specific airport type.
Gray indicates that default values are used.

. . . Opens the airport options menu
Edit Airport options menu: Edit the values set for the specific airport. This will open the Edit airport-window where modifications can be made to the previously inserted values.
Copy Airport options menu: Copy the thresholds from an existing airport.
Delete Airport options menu: Removes the airport from the list and deletes any specific values related to it.