Layer Controls: Weather
The Layer control gives the user the ability to filter, add or remove certain icons or map layers.

There are 3 tabs available:
– Map Controls
– Weather
– Airspace.
Some items have a settings shortcut to where additional settings can be found e.g., Show Custom Icons and Show Waypoints. To activate desired filters, select ON and click Save map position and layers.
All of these items, apart from the Precipitation and TC & VA have setting controls that allow the user to specify the Generating Centre- and the altitude band for the forecast. In the image below the Cloud Areas have been set to gather data from the London Centre within the altitude band FL250-630.

Cloud areas settings

CAT: Clear Air Turbulence
TC & VA: Tropical Cyclons and Vulcanic Ash
Precipitation settings

If the Precipitation is toggled ON and then the Settings are selected, the user will see the static Rainfall Radar.
An Animated Radar can be selected by toggling ON with the switch shown to the left.
The last option is to select the Opacity of the Radar image (how bright/transparent the rainfall overlay is).