Layer Controls: Map Controls
The Layer control gives the user the ability to filter, add or remove certain icons or map layers.

There are 3 tabs available:
– Map Controls
– Weather
– Airspace.
Some items have a settings shortcut to where additional settings can be found e.g., Show Custom Icons and Show Waypoints. To activate desired filters, select ON and click Save map position and layers.
Function | Description |
Show Inactive Aircraft | Display aircraft that are on the ground and not active. Inactive aircraft are shown on the map as light grey semi-transparent symbols. |
Show Custom Icons | Custom icons that have been created will be displayed on the map e.g., helicopter sites such as drilling platforms or windfarms. Clicking the settings icon will take the user to the UI Settings window where the User Defined Icons tab will displayed. |
Show Waypoints | Route waypoints will be displayed on the map. Waypoint Labels can also be made visible by clicking on the Settings icon beside the Toggle Switch, where there is an option to select them ON. In the advanced settings, it is also possible to set when the Waypoints and Labels should become visible related to the map zoom level. The maximum zoom level is 18. |
Show Great Circle | A red line indicates the Great Circle between the departure and destination of the selected aircraft. It is also possible to enter the settings and turn ON the Great Circle for all active aircraft. |
Show Aircraft Labels | User defined labels option, to show tails for the specific flights, depending on if the zoom level. Zoom level 1 is “bird view” and level 18 is max zoom |
Connect Tracked Positions | Adds a green line between each individual tracked position to better show the actual flown route of the aircraft |
Follow Selected Aircraft | The selected aircraft will be followed and kept in the center of the screen for the entire flight. If the flight is chosen in the list of active aircraft, the aircraft will always be centered in the middle of the screen no matter if the setting is ON or OFF, but it will only be followed if the setting is ON. |
Save Map Position and layers | This button is used to store a default map position that will be used the next time that you start the system and the layers that the user has defined. |
Always Show All Labels

ON – All aircraft labels will be displayed, even aircraft that are static at an airport.
OFF – An individual aircraft label is displayed if the mouse is hovered over the aircraft on the map.
Show Aircraft Labels
Define how much information you want to see on the aircraft label, depending on zoom level.

You can personalize your labels, so when zooming beyond a defined threshold you can have more (or less) information presented on the aircraft label .
Zoom level 1 is the biggest overview (bird view) and zoom level 18 is the most detailed, closets to ground.
In below example you will not see any label information from zoom level 1-4 and when passing level 5 you will se REG and ATC information. Passing through level 9 you will now see ATC, City pair, REG and ETA.