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I cannot log in to OpsControl

If you cannot log in to OpsControl and / or Airport Watch it could be one of the below options:

Incorrect time on your computer

The user device time should be within 60 seconds of the actual current UTC time to allow logins otherwise a login problem like this might occour:

Most devices/operating systems will automatically adjust and update to the correct UTC time when they connect to the internet (even if they display the local time zone).
If the user has set a manual custom time, then it is important that it matches the actual current UTC time within 60 seconds (according to the time zone on the device).
If a user wants to use UTC time on their device, then they should change their time zone to be UTC/GMT instead of changing the clock to match the UTC.

Note: It is only the minutes that must be accurate within 60 seconds,

What Happens when the Device Time is Incorrect?

If the device time differs by more than 60 seconds from UTC time, then the user is prevented from logging in.
If the user needs to check the actual current UTC time or manually update their device, then they can do so finding the actual current UTC here:

Missing rights

Even though you have access to CrewBriefing and PPS with your personal PPS-username, you do not automatically have access to OpsControl and its functions. You will then see this error message during login.

Contact your PPS / OpsControl responsible in your company and they should contact us to add the correct rights for your specific username.

The rights are:

  • Administrator (rights to modify all areas and settings)
  • View-only (access to Flight List, Flight Tracking and Post Flight, but with rights to edit)

Clear site data

In rare condition your web browser cookies and cache for the specific website (OpsControl in this case) can contain invalid data, so you can clear the site’s local data by following these steps:
(Note: The guide is for Google Chrome and might differ for other browsers)

  • Press the F12 button on your keyboard and the above functions will open.
  • Click on the top tab called Application (1)
  • Click to the left on Storage (2)
  • Click on “Clear site” (3)

Restart your browser and try to log in again.