How to create route that is level-restricted to a certain waypoint/navaid?
When creating the flight plan, we will input the MAX Flight Level that we are restricted to, in the start of the route, under FL/DEST.

Next we start up the graphical route creator called Fast Routing (F.R)

We locate the waypoint where we are allowed to climb above the level restriction. This we do by pressing the Find button or the F key. This will open the search field.

This will display the waypoint/navaid in the F.R with yellow and red ring and info box about the point.

We can now either manually create the route down to the waypoint or we can ask the Autoroute to create a route to the waypoint, by using the autoroute to the waypoint

At PAM where we are not restricted by the level restriction anymore, we change the Flight level to our desired cruising altitude. We select PAM in the waypoint info on the left in the F.R and then click the FL button. Here we tick our desired FL, in this case Fl390 and press OK

Now we can finish the route at FL390 manually. Or we get the autoroute function to create a route from PAM to GCTS by pressing the autoroute button

Last thing before we exit the F.R, is to test the route, if it is inside the IFPS airspace, where the test function works. This tool is located under tools and test FPL

NOTE: only works in Eurocontrol area also called IFPS. To test we press the test button. If the result is green, the route is accepted without any error.

To use the route that has been created, press OK Exit.

Now we have created a route that starts in Fl100 until the point called PAM, where a climb to FL390 is done.

To save the route press save and remember to give it a saying remark about the levelcap, so the next dispatcher can easily see what is special about the route.

If optimum FL is required to be calculated for each flight using this route, then this can easily be achieved by inserting a /F999 after the waypoint where optimum flightlevel is desired. Just press edit route and delete the old level change and insert the F999 instead.
NOTE this will NOT change the Airways (upper and lower airways), so if inserting /F999 in a low level route, it will give errors when testing, since PPS will calculate the optimum which might be higher than the airways exist.

If the route is saved with /F999 , then optimum FL will be calculated each time the route is selected regardless if the optimum checkbox is selected or not.