How to change DOM / DOW / BEW
To change the Dry Operating Mass (DOM), Dry Operating Weight (DOW) or Basic Empty Weight (BEW), please navigate to the top tab “Data” and choose “Edit Aircraft Configuration”. Open your aircraft file and in here you are able to change the basic weights for 6 different configurations.
Open 1 of the 6 configurations by typing 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 (depending of the configuration to change) and hit the enter button.
Change the value in the “Dry Mass” field.
Note: If the “Dry Mass” include the crew weight, the weight in the right column should read 0 (zero) in the “Mass”
If your have entered the Basic Empty Weight in the “Dry Mass” then add the crew weight to have the DOM/DOW calculated automatically when creating a FPL.
Press the “End” button and “Y” to save or “N” to leave without saving.