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Graphical Products

This section contains various weather charts and images.

Wind/ T charts

Here it is possible to download and print static Upper Wind/Temperature (FL) Charts for predefined areas, flight levels and times.

AS Wind Charts:
Charts produced by Air Support software.

DMI Wind Charts
Charts produced by Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)

SWX charts

Here it is possible to download and print Significant Weather Charts for predefined areas, flight levels range and times.

AS SWX Charts
Significant Weather Charts produced by Air Support.

WAFS/DMI SWX Charts Significant
Weather Charts produced by World Area Forecast System (WAFS) and Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)

National SWX Charts
Significant Weather Charts produced by National Meteorological Services of several countries

To help with the understanding the AS SWX Charts there is a link to guide on how to read the charts.
>> Click here to open the guide (0.8 MB)

Custom Charts

Here you can create Route Specific Wind/SWX Charts and Cross Section graph along Great Circle Track.

Step 1: Enter DEP and DEST

Enter Departure and Destination Airport ICAO and select wished flight level(s).

Step 2: Enter date and time

Enter the specific date and time for the requested time.
Note: Enroute time is not mandatory

Step 3: Download charts

Press the Next button, and the Route Specific Charts can be downloaded and printed.
You can download the charts separately or grouped.

Satellite images

Latest global satellite images for several areas from Met Norway.


Here you can have UKMO (UK Met Office) surface weather analysis and prognosis charts displayed.

Volcanic ash

Here you can find Volcanic Ash Advisory charts that are produced by AIR SUPPORT based on information from Volcanic Ash Advisories. The charts are produced if VA advisories contain volcanic ash cloud coordinates.

In the table you can see Issuing centre (VAAC) ICAO code, area and FIR of volcano location, volcano name and issued time.