General information
Click on Flight Watch in the top menu to access flight tracking. The image below shows the map for tracking aircraft with the Active Aircraft list hidden. See below for interactive functions in this view.

Adjusting the map
Panning – Pan the map by left-clicking and dragging the mouse.
Zooming – Zoom in and out by using the mouse scroll wheel.
Coordinates – A dynamic Latitude and Longitude readout can be seen in the lower left-hand corner.

To access the Active Aircraft list, click the List icon in the in map-menu. This will open a compact view of the Active flight list (see below) where the active aircrafts are listed with a reduced amount of information. A more extensive,
Maximized View is displayed when the Maximize icon is clicked in the top right-hand corner. This will add additional columns and resize the window.

Searching the active flight list
The Active Aircraft List can be searched by clicking the text field above the active flight list. In the search function, a key word can be entered to filter the flight list. The search field is dynamic and will start the search as soon as characters are entered.
Active Aircraft UI Settings

Clicking the Active Aircraft Settings icon will open the UI Settings, here the Flight list columns can be rearranged based on account preference.
Flight List Columns

Inside the UI Settings the user can alter the Active Aircraft Columns that are displayed by dragging and dropping the column headings, see image to the left.
Columns are either Displayed or Hidden depending on where the Column Heading has been placed.
Active Aircraft Column Headers
Function | Description |
Reg | Aircraft Registration (Tail number) |
FlightNo | The flight number of the specific flight |
LTT | Last Tracking Time - Time the system received last position from any of the sources. It displays in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM |
LAT | Latitude - Latitudinal position of the last position reported from any of the sources |
LON | Longitude - Longitudinal position of the last position reported from any of the sources |
ALT | Altitude - Altitude in feet of the last position reported |
ATC | Altitude - Altitude in feet of the last position reported |
DEP | Departure Airport |
DEST | Destination Airport |
STD | Schedule Time of Departure |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ATD | The actual departure time for the specific flights (Not predicted or calculated) |
ATA | The actual arrival time for the specific flights (Not predicted or calculated) |
Detailed information

To display detailed information connected to a specific flight, the three dots (…) in the far-right column need to be clicked to open additional options.
Click Show details to open a window displaying additional information for the active aircraft.
The opened window can be moved around the screen and the last known location will be stored for new windows to be opened in the same location.