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Flight Info Menu Items

The flight info menu window provides the user with options regarding the contents of the briefing package related to the selected flight. When clicking one of the items in the flight info menu, a new window will appear to display information related to that specific section.

Default selections can be modified by Air Support staff if needed.

Flight Messages

Per default all messages for the flight will be included, but there is an option to only include important messages

Log/ Refresh/ Recalculate

Log: Contains flight calculation result performed by the PPS program. The features Refresh and Recalculate are described in recalculate section.


Contains the latest METAR and TAF information for departure, destination, alternate & adequate airports (if selected), as well as SIGMET information for relevant FIRs. Additional options to be displayed are SNOWTAM, AIRMET and GAMET (see the CrewBriefing Admin manual for activation of the individual additions).
Contains NOTAM information in force for departure, destination & alternate airports and for relevant FIRs (if selected).
To reduce the amount of paper printed for each flight information document, half size print is available for Weather and NOTAMs.
In the example above, ½ size is selected as default and the item will be printed in two columns landscape layout.
Advanced NOTAM filter is available on the CrewBriefing Company Administration page.
AIR SUPPORT A/S staff can on request from the company adjust default selections.

ATC Flight Plan

ATC flight plan – Includes the ATC Flight plan in either short-, full or both ICAO flight plan formats. AIR SUPPORT A/S staff can on request from the company adjust default selections.

Wind/T & SWX charts

Wind and Significant WX charts are preselected for the flight depending on planned time and flight level. It’s possible to set up several preselected charts.
Wind charts for up to 11 flight levels and 5 time-windows are available.
It’s also possible to include wind charts for FL50, FL100 and FL180.
Default preselection of the charts can be managed via Company Settings Administration.
To modify default inclusion of charts on the Flight Information page, expand the chart selector window and select/unselect the items.

Standard weather charts

As minimum 3 types of weather charts will be attached to briefing package.

1: Upper Winds

Route specific upper winds & temperature forecast chart. The chart is zoomed in on the calculated route. Displayed wind and temperature values are calculated for the time indicated on the chart stamp. The waypoints which are selected for generation of Cross Section Graph are shown on the route as blue circles.

2: Vertical cross section

Vertical cross section graph along the planned route. The planned route is shown as a dashed blue line. Along with wind/ temperature data at each selected waypoint, the following information is shown:

  • Turbulence and icing severity symbols at each selected waypoint if corresponding weather conditions are met.
  • Tropopause height and temperature for selected waypoints
  • Grid MORA along the route
  • Head and tail wind component at standard flight levels and maximum wind flight level for each selected waypoint
2: SWX chart

The SWX chart shows significant weather within a layer corresponding to the planned flight level. SWX charts based on WAFS-data are only available as SWH (Significant Weather High Level, FL250-630) and SWM (Medium level, FL 100-450). While SWH data provided covers whole globe, the SWM data is available only for ICAO areas

EUR (Europe), NAT (North Atlantic), MEA (Middle East) and ASIA SOUTH. The SWX chart is zoomed in on the calculated route. The weather conditions shown on SWX chart correspond to standard times shown in the chart stamp and not interpolated. When flying over the Atlantic the North Atlantic Tracks are also shown on the SWX chart if applicable at the flight time.

As an alternative to route specific SWX chart it’s possible to include in briefing Standard Area SWX chart or both.


A visualization of active SIGMET areas can be attached as a supplement to the briefing package. The chart depicts local areas affected by an active SIGMET. The areas are colour coded to represent different categories and a unique number is assigned to identify the raw SIGMET connected to the specific area. All the raw SIGMETs will be listed as an attachment to the chart.
NOTE! The option to add the SIGMET chart needs to be activated by a CrewBriefing administrator handling the account.

ETP Charts on ETOPS flights

When making a flight plan with ETOPS/ETP enabled, an extra wind chart for FL100 with circles, ETP times and minimum opening hours will be attached to the weather charts set.

SET-IMC Singe engine ops chart

When making a flight plan with SET-IMC, an extra wind chart for cruise flight level with SET circles around the SE OPS airports will be attached to the weather charts set.

Adequate Airport Chart

The chart can be generated if the necessary information is available in the uploaded flight data. If the data for the chart is available and the chart is default selected, the user will see the relevant information on the Flight Information page and change the selection if needed:

A section of an Adequate Airport Chart can be seen below.

Volcanic Ash Advisory chart

If the route is crossing an FIR with erupting volcano in and a Volcanic Ash Advisory (VAA) with validity period overlapping the flying period is available, a chart created on basis of VAA information, can be added to the chart set. If the data is available, the user can see the relevant information on the Flight Information page and change the selection if needed.

The chart is centered on the volcano. If the route is crossing the chart area, it will be drawn on the chart.
If the route is crossing several FIRs with erupting volcano in it and the VA advisory is available, a VAA chart for each volcano will be available.

Example of VAA chart:

More details regarding information displayed on the weather charts can be found in the help document on bottom right corner of the chart selector.

Uploaded Documents

It is possible to upload various pdf documents from the PPS Upload Documents module to be included in briefing package. For more info see the PPS User Manual, Upload Documents.

Runway Analysis (APG)

For detailed description, read about APG here.

Airport Information (AC-U-KWIK)

Extensive Airport Information & Handling Data based on latest AC-U-KWIK data for departure, destination and alternate airports. Example of snippet from Airport Information PDF:

Pax Info Chart

Route-specific chart with general flight information and country borders and geographical names overlay.
Example of Pax Info Chart:

Get Complete Flight Briefing PDF

When all selections are made, click Next to proceed and to specify how you wish to receive the selected flight information.

Click Download Flight Information to get all selected items as a single document to view/save/print.
Select E-mail Flight Information to send the flight information document to an email address(-es) of your choice.

E-mail flight information

When sending briefing package by e-mail, you can select addresses from the list of e-mail addresses that were used by the current PPS account over the last 6 months. It is also possible for a user with administrative rights to create a default list of e-mail addresses instead. The option to enter e-mail addresses in the textbox is available as well. You can add or remove e-mail addresses by clicking on the item in the corresponding list.
When finished editing the subject and message, press the Send E-mail button.