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Expanded weather information
To get expanded information regarding the calculated forecast and observed weather, click the airport in the flight list to open the weather view. Here additional information regarding the weather status and settings can be seen. See figure below for explanation of the interactive areas.

Ref | Name | Description |
1 | Airports | The top tabs display the airports relevant to the selected flight, along with their allocated purpose. The highlighted tab indicates the selected airports, and the displayed weather information is only related to that specific airport. |
2 | Parsed weather and Thresholds | This sections displays the relevant weather read for the time related. This section can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the arrow in the top right corner. Modifications to the thresholds can be made on the settings page. |
3 | TAF | The current terminal area forecast for the selected airport. Any weather in the marginal or closed category will be highlighted in the relevant color. |
4 | METAR | The last consecutive Meteorological Aerodrome reports. This is only displayed as informational text, so no highlights will be shown. The number of observations displayed can be managed in the UI Settings. |
5 | SNOWTAM | The current SNOWTAM for the selected airport. This is only displayed as informational text, so no highlights will be shown. |