Creating a new notification
When clicking Create New Config, a new window labelled Creating a new configuration will appear. In here the user can create various Notifications, Alerts and Warnings to be activated in the case of an event trigger. The following guide will instruct how to add these features.

Configuration name
Enter an explanatory name to be used for the Notification.
From the drop-down menu, select and event to be used to trigger the notification. The various options can be seen summarized here.
From the drop-down menu, select one or more Action that will be triggered by the event. Modifications the actions can later be made. After the action is selected, click Add action to add it to the list of actions. The selectable options are:
Send Email – Send an email to configured recipients
Notification on-screen – A popup will appear informing the user of the event.
Click on the arrow to the right the listed Action to expand the Action options. The appearing window will be different depending on the type of action selected. An explanation of each can be seen below.

E-mail Subject
The title of the e-mail sent out.
The e-mail addresses of the recipients. Type the e-mail address and press Enter to add the recipient to the list. One or more recipients can be added.
The message to be included in the e-mail. Parameters can be included to include information of the triggered event. The parameters can be selected from the Insert Parameter drop-down menu. A list of parameters can be seen later in this section.

Notification Title
The title of the notification.
The severity of the event. Notification, Alert or Warning.
The message to be included in the e-mail. Parameters can be included to include information of the triggered event. The parameters can be selected from the Insert Parameter drop-down menu. A list of parameters can be seen later in this section.
Event and Condition parameters
Parameter | Description | Example | Message code |
Amount of deviation from route | The amount of deviation from the route triggered after a sampled period of time. | 75,1 | {{deviation fromroutenm}} |
ATC ID | The flight number of the relevant flight. | AS1001 | {{atcid}} |
Configured route deviation limit | The Route Deviation Threshold configured in the Flight Watch settings menu. | 75 | {{maxdeviation fromroutenm}} |
Departure airport | The departure airport expressed in ICAO formatting. | EKBI | {{dep}} |
Destination airport | The destinaiton airport expressed in ICAO formatting. | ESSA | {{dest}} |
Event occurred at | The registered time of the event | 11/28/2022 07:00:55 | {{eventoccurredat}} |
GUFI | Unique Flight identification ID | N/A | {{gufi}} |
Has flight plan? | Is a flight plan filed for the relevant flight? | True / False | {{hasflightplan}} |
Landing airport | Departure, Destination, Alternate 1, Alternate 2, Other (with flight plan) and unknown (without flight plan) | EKBI | {{landingairport}} |
Landing airport type | The registered landing runway based on tracking details. | Departure | {{landingairporttype}} |
Landing runway | The registered landing time of the flight expressed in UTC. | RW22L | {{landingrunway}} |
Landing time | The latitudinal position of the aircraft at the time of the event. | 11/28/2022 07:00:55 | {{landingtime}} |
Latitude | The latitudinal position of the aircraft at the time of the event. | N37:45:12 | {{latitude}} |
Longitude | The longitudinal position of the aircraft at the time of the event. | E010:56:33 | {{longitude}} |
Rate of descent in feet per minute | The registered Rate of descent after a sampled period of time. | 3007 | {{rateofdescentinfeetperminute}} |
Scheduled time of departure | The scheduled time of departure of the flight expressed in UTC. | 11/28/2022 07:00:55 | {{std}} |
Squawk code | The registered squawk code at the time of the event AS track. | 7700 | {{squawkcode}} |
Tail number | The registration of the relevant aircraft. | OYPPS | {{tailno}} |
Takeoff time | The registered takeoff time of the flight expressed in UTC. | 11/28/2022 07:00:55 | {{takeofftime}} |
Conditions are optional and can be applied to an event to narrow down the notifications received. The added conditions need to be met in order to issue the action. As in actions the conditions are divided into two steps.

From the drop-down menu, select the parameter that suits the condition to be created. The full list and explanations can be seen earlier in this section.
From the drop-down menu, select the state to which the parameter should be functioning. The full list and explanations can be seen in the table below.
Click Add condition to add the condition to the list and once done, click on the arrow to the right of the listed Condition (see figure below) to expand the Condition options. The appearing window will be different depending on the type of state selected. In the figure below two conditions are applied. The first conditions require the squawk code to be 7700 and the second one requires the tail of the aircraft to contain either OY or SE.
Parameter | Description |
EQUAL TO | The event parameter must be equal to the selected parameter condition. Only one parameter can be entered. |
IN | The event parameter must be equal to any of the selected parameter conditions. One or more parameters can be entered. |
NOT IN | The event parameter must not be equal to any of the selected parameter conditions. One or more parameters can be entered. |
Click Save configuration to apply the configuration to the current account.