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PPS Flight Planning
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PPS Flight Planning
Aircraft Files
Download Generic Aircraft File(s)
How to add your aircraft file into PPS
Is your aircraft not in our database?
How to edit an aircraft file
How to change tail / registration?
How to change DOM / DOW / BEW
How do I save changes in an aircraft file?
Change equipment in your aircraft file
ETP is showing 180 min even when I planned 120 min ETP
An error occurred while opening flight, probably due to missing data
Dynamic Aircraft Request
Aircraft Performance Data Installation and Flight Log Layout
Flight Plan Layout (OFP)
How to create or change an OFP
Do you have free sample OFP templates I can see?
How do I save an OFP layout?
Star codes to Flight Log (OFP)
New page in OFP?
ETP is showing 180 min even when I planned 120 min ETP
SNOWTAM is not visible on OFP and Flight Packages?
How to enable EASA fuel rules and change the OFP
Aircraft Performance Data Installation and Flight Log Layout
Manuals and Release notes
PPS SP2 Manual
PPS SP2 Release notes
PPS X Manual
PPS X Release Notes
EASA Fuel Scheme
Get Support
Call or write to us
Opening Hours
Calling from the US?
Connection via TeamViewer
Introduction Video PPS X
Installation of PPS
How do I install PPS?
Download PPS SP2.112.10
PPS X Introduction Video
Download PPS X
How to add accounts and users in PPS
Where are my data files?
PPS on additional computer?
What are the minimum requirements for installing and running PPS?
What is Assets and Configuration folder?
Can I have PPS as a web or Cloud version?
How to download weather & NAV data manually?
Online validation of user failed
Citrix Server Installation
Citrix Sever Installation Requirements
Network Fileshare Installation
Network Installation with AutoDispatch Computers
Terminal Server Installation Requirements
Terminal Server Installation with AutoDispatch Requirements
Network Fileshare Installation with external SQL Server
PPS8 Termnial and Citrix Server Installation PPS81-9v2
Show Remaining Articles (5)
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Order Forms
Dynamic Aircraft Request
Aircraft Performance Data Installation and Flight Log Layout
Online Installation Training
Runway Analysis
RAIM - Single Aircraft
Raim Registration- Multiple Aircraft
Post Flight Data Collection Reporting
CrewBriefing Recalculate/ Refrash
Border Intersection Tool
Autoplanning, autofiling, autodispatch
Additional CrewBriefing and Amexsy / SMS filing Service
Data Import / Export Air Support
Hosted PPS / Cloud
I've forgot my password to PPS cloud
How to log in on your Hosted PPS
One Time Password (OTP)
Cannot log into the cloud?
Can I have PPS as a web or Cloud version?
Do you offer ESET authorization?
Scheduled Flight Planning
Auto Dispatch - automate your work
How can I start using Auto Dispatch?
Schedule and Crew Planning systems and Providers
An error occurred while opening flight, probably due to missing data
Why do I have duplicate CB flights in my light list?
Flight Agenda
I cannot Open Flight Plans from Flight List in PPS
Autoplanning, autofiling, autodispatch
Auto-Dispatch Email.txt Notifications
Download FPL / Amexsy history as PDF
I do not have access to Amexsy
How to receive FPL updates on SMS?
Crew does not receive any SMS updates?
Can I delete a flight in Amexsy?
Flight not visible in AMEXSY?
Additional CrewBriefing and Amexsy / SMS filing Service
Navigation / Routing
Can I save my own Company Routes?
Understanding the AIRAC cycle
What is the error "segment cannot be 0 NM"
Object reference not set to an instance of an object error
My Y flight (IFR to VFR) is invalid
FastRouting: There is no valid airway between A & B on this route?
How to create route that is level-restricted to a certain waypoint/navaid?
Current nav database issues
Integrations to PPS
Schedule / Crew planning system
How do I activate scheduled integration?
My flight is missing in the scheduled flight list
Cannot open flight in schedule flight list (data missing)
New Integration from PDC
I cannot Open Flight Plans from Flight List in PPS
Auto Dispatch - automate your work
Schedule and Crew Planning systems and Providers
EFB (Electronic Flight Bag)
How do I activate EFB integration?
What is EFB endpoint?
Can I have data reports of my flights generated automatically?
Download EFB webservice documentation
EFF and EFB systems and providers
FDM (Flight Data Monitoring)
Air Support ADS-B Receiver Information
Technical information when ordering RAIM
Flight Data Monitoring providers
Runway Analysis
Can PPS have W&B + Runway performance integrated?
Runway Analysis (APG)
AeroData Takeoff Landing Report (TLR) example
Configuration and tails changes for APG
Runway Analysis
Flight Safety & Risk Management
Risk assessment in PPS
AeroData Drift Down Integration
How to read Aero Data calculations
How to read a driftdown example
Escape Route user guide
Cosmic Radiation
Articles coming soon
Data Management
Weather and Wind charts validity period
How can AC-U-KWIK be activated in PPS and CrewBriefing and are there any extra charges related?
How can I become an Admin?
Why can't I see my tails in Upload Documents?
Why is my tabs in Data Editor "Read only"?
Data Editor - Mismatch
How do I block the specific users from editing company specific data?
How to download weather & NAV data manually?
Post Flight Data Collection Reporting
PPS User Guide
Basic Flight Planning
Can I save a flight for later use?
How to highlights WX keywords?
Do not show any Adequate Airports in PPS minimap.
Why can't I see my tails in Upload Documents?
I cannot upload to CrewBriefing from PPS
Weather and Wind charts validity period
Advanced flight planning
My Y flight (IFR to VFR) is invalid
Adequate Airports are not listed in OFP / FPL
How do I add adequate airports to my OFP?
Download FPL / Amexsy history as PDF
Can I leave out Military airports in Adequate Airport list?
How can I define specific Adequate Airports?
Why is my tabs in Data Editor "Read only"?
How to create route that is level-restricted to a certain waypoint/navaid?
RCF procedure gives to much additional fuel?
Configuration and tails changes for APG
RAIM Prediction
RAIM Prediction
RAIM - Single Aircraft
Raim Registration- Multiple Aircraft
Technical information when ordering RAIM
I cannot create a RAIM report for a tail in PPS?
Remove a tail from my account?
ETOPS calculation does not show 1 ENG and 2ENG decompression
ETP is showing 180 min even when I planned 120 min ETP
How to edit an aircraft file
Use of ETP/ETOPS Alternates in PPS
Flight List
Why do I have duplicate CB flights in my light list?
I cannot Open Flight Plans from Flight List in PPS
How to delete a flight?
An error occurred while opening flight, probably due to missing data
Auto-Dispatch Email.txt Notifications
PPS UI and and Miscellaneous
Can I save a flight for later use?
PPS Control Panel and Settings
How do I add adequate airports to my OFP?
How do I block the specific users from editing company specific data?
Online validation of user failed
Frequently Asked Questions
I must comply with EASA fuel scheme, how do I set this up?
Online validation of user failed
How do I add adequate airports to my OFP?
Adequate Airports are not listed in OFP / FPL
ETOPS calculation does not show 1 ENG and 2ENG decompression
I cannot upload to CrewBriefing from PPS
How can I define specific Adequate Airports?
I cannot create a RAIM report for a tail in PPS?
Winds are not updated
What do I need to upload to FMS?
My OFP looks different after recalculation on CB / error on recalculation
No routes are valid for my flights even I have valid routes in another system/CFMU
Recalculate / refresh
How can I become an Admin?
How to delete a flight?
SNOWTAM is not visible on OFP and Flight Packages?
Do not show any Adequate Airports in PPS minimap.
Can I leave out Military airports in Adequate Airport list?
Object reference not set to an instance of an object error
How to create or change an OFP
An error occurred while opening flight, probably due to missing data
How can AC-U-KWIK be activated in PPS and CrewBriefing and are there any extra charges related?
Weather and Wind charts validity period
Air Support ADS-B Receiver Information
How to download weather & NAV data manually?
Show Remaining Articles (10)
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OpsControl Route Deviation Video
PPS X Introduction Video
Quality and Approval
EASA Service Provider Certificate
PPS CAA Approval Document
Quality Manual
NAVIAIR - Confirmation of data delivery
EAD Data Use Authorization
NOTAM data sources used by AIR SUPPORT
Accounting and Subscription
Company and Bank information
Invoicing period
Can I pay my invoice online?
Remove a tail from my account?
Do you have a official price list?
Why is refresh / re-calculate shaded?
User Group
User Group 2019
User Group 2023
User Group 2024
Manuals and release notes
CrewBriefing User Manual
CrewBriefing Admin Manual
CrewBriefing APP Manual
CrewBriefing Release Notes
SIGWX Forecast Changes
CrewBriefing Quick Reference Guide
Post Flight Registration
Post Flight Reporting
Login and mainview
How do I login on CrewBriefing website?
Where can I get my CB and PPS login credentials?
How can I become an Admin?
Flight Info
Flight List
Flight Info Menu Items
Download or e-mail Flight Package
How to delete a flight?
Write message
Write Message module
Create a new Message
Change Message
Group of Flights
Single Flight Message
Upload documents
Upload document module
Upload a new document
View or delete uploaded documents
Company Documents
Why can't I see my tails in Upload Documents?
Why do I have duplicate CB flights in my light list?
Why is refresh / re-calculate shaded?
Recalculate / refresh
WX next flight
Company Documents
Refresh and Recalculate
Change Flight Messages Display Details
I cannot upload to CrewBriefing from PPS
CrewBriefing Recalculate/ Refrash
Extra WX/Charts/NOTAMS
Weather and Wind charts validity period
WX next flight
Graphical Products
Airport Info
External links and help
Exclude NOTAMs, Q-code
Exclude individual NOTAMs
How to highlight NOTAM Keywords?
SNOWTAM is not visible on OFP and Flight Packages?
Manage Weather Charts Selection
How to highlights WX keywords?
Extra Feautures
Can I have data reports of my flights generated automatically?
Refresh and Recalculate
Runway Analysis (APG)
Manage Weather Charts Selection
How to highlights WX keywords?
How can AC-U-KWIK be activated in PPS and CrewBriefing and are there any extra charges related?
User Administration and settings
Can I highlight specified NOTAM or WX keywords?
How to change Flight Package item order?
Weather Data and Display Options
NOTAM Display Options
How can I become an Admin?
User Administration
Company settings Administration
Exclude individual NOTAMs
Exclude NOTAMs, Q-code
How to highlight NOTAM Keywords?
How to delete a flight?
SNOWTAM is not visible on OFP and Flight Packages?
Manage Briefing Items Order
Manage Weather Charts Selection
Manage Flight Package E-mail Details
Change Flight Messages Display Details
CrewBriefing Package Archive
How to highlights WX keywords?
How do I block the specific users from editing company specific data?
NOTAM data sources used by AIR SUPPORT
Show Remaining Articles (5)
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For pilots
Refresh and Recalculate
Runway Analysis (APG)
How to highlight NOTAM Keywords?
Manage Briefing Items Order
Download a Briefing Package
CrewBriefing App
iOS and Android compatibility
Login and requirements
The home page and layout
Displaying flight documents and combined flight packages
Filing: Delaying and cancelling
Offline Mode
Uploading to external providers
How to highlight NOTAM Keywords?
Frequently Asked Questions
How to delete a flight?
CrewBriefing Package Archive
I cannot upload to CrewBriefing from PPS
How can AC-U-KWIK be activated in PPS and CrewBriefing and are there any extra charges related?
Weather and Wind charts validity period
NOTAM data sources used by AIR SUPPORT
OpsControl Route Deviation Video
PPS X Introduction Video
User Group
User Group 2019
User Group 2023
User Group 2024
Manuals and Release notes
OpsControl Manual
Ops Control Release Notes
OpsControl and AirportWatch updates
Weather Watch - quick guide
Introduction and General
How do i login to OpsControl?
How many users can we have?
Do you have templates for notifications?
Do you offer satellite tracking service?
How reliable is the tracking sources?
Flight list
Why can’t I add an aircraft?
What AFTN should I use to receive data in OpsControl?
What if we do not have ADSB-out?
How to change settings?
What is the flight List?
How do I search in OpsControl Flight list?
Weather status coloring
SNOWTAM in the flight list
Expanded weather information
UI Settings OpsControl
Notifications in OpsControl
Airport Suitability
What is Weather watch?
How do I set up Weather Watch?
Weather status coloring
SNOWTAM in the flight list
Expanded weather information
Add Airport values
List of Weather Watch airports
Edit Airport
Copy Airport
Delete Airport
Flight Watch
General information
Layer Controls: Map Controls
Layer Controls: Weather
Layer Controls: Airspace
Do you offer satellite tracking service?
How reliable is the tracking sources?
How easy is it to integrate with other tracking sources?
Why is my inactive aircraft not at the airport?
Can I change the location of my inactive aircraft?
When changes are made to layer settings, do these changes appear on all users?
Why is my tracking lost?
I do not have ADS-B, can I get tracking?
How to track active aircraft in Flight Watch
Change Airspace view
GPS jamming and GPS spoofing
Aircraft status "diverted" even landed on destination airport
Tracking the aircraft
Notifications in OpsControl
Creating a new notification
Air Support ADS-B Receiver Information
OpsControl Route Deviation Video
Show Remaining Articles (7)
Collapse Articles
Can I export my post flight data?
How long is this information held in Postflight?
Why are certain fields missing in the Postflight data?
What if we do not have ADSB-out?
Postflight general
Tracking information
Settings and Administration
How to change tail in "My Aircraft Data"
Can a notification be deactivated?
Do you have templates for notifications?
Are the setting changes seen on all user logins?
What if I don’t know my Hex code/S-mode?
Is it easy to retrieve my aircraft details if I accidently delete it?
Why can’t I add an aircraft?
Can the notifications be edited after they are activated?
What AFTN should I use to receive data in OpsControl?
What is Admin and Read-only users?
Can I change the location of my inactive aircraft?
How easy is it to integrate with other tracking sources?
I cannot log in to OpsControl
How to delete an aircraft in OpsControl?
Aircraft data
Add Airport values
Edit Airport
Copy Airport
Delete Airport
UI Settings OpsControl
General Settings OpsControl
Notifications in OpsControl
Creating a new notification
Route Deviation Notification
Abnormal Descent Rate Notifications
Altitude Deviation Detection
OpsControl Route Deviation Video
Show Remaining Articles (13)
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What is a HEX code?
Message parameters in OpsControl
Notification Events
Login and account
Are the setting changes seen on all user logins?
Can I have the same tail on 2 different accounts?
How do i login to OpsControl?
What is Admin and Read-only users?
Can I add any tail that I like?
How many users can we have?
Where can I get my CB and PPS login credentials?
I cannot log in to OpsControl
Accounting and Subscription
Remove a tail from my account?
Company and Bank information
Invoicing period
Can I pay my invoice online?
Do you have a official price list?
Frequently asked questions
Aircraft status "diverted" even landed on destination airport
Why is my tracking lost?
Do you have templates for notifications?
Can I export my post flight data?
Add Airport values
Notifications in OpsControl
What is a HEX code?
Air Support ADS-B Receiver Information
OpsControl Route Deviation Video
PPS X Introduction Video
User Group
User Group 2019
User Group 2023
User Group 2024
Login and mainview
Category - Login and mainview
How do I login on CrewBriefing website?
Where can I get my CB and PPS login credentials?
How can I become an Admin?