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Can I save my own Company Routes?

Yes you can save Company Routes and create new Company Routes directly in PPS. You can also import your routes into PPS from a CSV file in the Route Data.

Save route as Company Route

When you find a good and useable route during the flight planning process and you wish to save this into your database, you can easily add by 1 click.

Step 1: Select the route

When navigating to the Route Guide Item you will be presented for many suggested routes from different sources.
Select the route you want to save by clicking the related “Use” bullet to the left.

Click Save Route in the top bar

Step 2:

Type in the required information as you wish and press Save and it will be added to your route catalouge.

Add a route in Route Data

Manually addition of routes is also an option.

Step 1: Navigate to Open Route Data

Click on the top tab Data and click the button Open Route Data:

Step 2: Create New Route

Click the button Create New Route and a popup will then appear.

Step 3: Enter data

Enter your data into the fields.
The Name field is maximum 11 characters e.i. EKBI-EKCH1 or BLLCPH01
Minimum entries are: DEP, DEST and FL to destination.

Press Save as New Route and it will be added to the database.