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Can I change the location of my inactive aircraft?

Sometimes, when tracking is lost, an aircraft might ‘freeze’ (hang) in midair part-way along its route or close to landing if coverage is lost and no local ADSB receiver is present. Additionally, an aircraft might be located at an incorrect airport because of lack of tracking of a flight. If these conditions apply, then the Move aircraft option will appear in the side menu displayed below (any other inactive aircraft will also appear grey).

The reasons:

  • The aircraft is hanging in midair and has been there until after the scheduled ETA.
  • An aircraft without a connected FPL in OpsControl is hanging and 30 minutes has passed after the last registered tracking.

These inactive incorrectly located aircraft or aircraft ‘frozen’ in midair can be moved to new locations.

Step 1

Go to the Section Flight Watch and find your desired Aircraft either by clicking on the list or find it on the map as a grey shaded aircraft icon (will change to white when it is selected)

Step 2

Then leftclick on the 3 dots (. . . ) to open the menu and select Move Aircraft

Step 3

Enter the ICAO airport code to where the aircraft should be moved and click Move to airport