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Auto Dispatch – automate your work

Optimize all calculations, uploads to CrewBriefing and FPL filings via the Auto Dispatch and Auto Filing add-on. Allows you to concentrate on the more demanding tasks in a busy operational environment.

Integrate with your Schedule system

Airline operators who already utilize the add-on in combination with the Data Import/Export add-on can achieve extraordinary levels of synergy and automatization in the daily operational workflow. By automatically importing traffic data on a regular basis from scheduling- and crew planning systems, PPS can be set up for fully automatic upload to CrewBriefing along with the dynamic filing of all flight plans.

Send automatic to Amexsy

Airline operators who already utilize the add-on in combination with the Data Import/Export add-on can achieve extraordinary levels of synergy and automatization in the daily operational workflow. By automatically importing traffic data on a regular basis from scheduling- and crew planning systems, PPS can be set up for fully automatic upload to CrewBriefing along with the dynamic filing of all flight plans.

During operations, the AutoDispatch and AutoFiling add-on will automatically trigger the filing of new flight plans through AMEXSY as well as file any changes related to existing flight plans directly to ATS units. For example, such changes may be a change of aircraft or a change of STD based on the updated output data from the operator’s scheduling- and crew planning system.


  • Automatic selection and filing of best economical FPL routing
  • Automatic filing of best eco FL based on winds, temperatures and load configuration
  • Automatic upload of all flight logs to CrewBriefing
  • Fuel tankering based on Gain/Loss and next-leg calculation
  • Automatic re-filing to ATS units of all ATC changes
  • Re-upload to CrewBriefing concerning any changes in the flight plan, flight schedule,
    aircraft tail/type, crew or load configuration