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Auto-Dispatch Email.txt Notifications

Auto-Dispatch can provide emails if certain conditions occur. These can function as warnings to the Dispatcher or anyone else that is addressed, such as if the flight is overloaded or under fueled for example.
The Email.txt file is constructed as shown below:

First row:
Email address of the sender. The word ‘sender’ and the email address are separated by a comma, but no space.

Second row:
The item ‘nowind’ that should be sent as a notification if that condition applies. The email will be sent to the email address after the item, it must be separated with a comma but no space.

Third and fourth rows:
More than one email address to send the email notification to. These email addresses and any more for the same items are separated by a space.

The list of all options that can be used for notifications can be seen below:

Code Description
mel Flight with a MEL restriction.
noacft No aircraft specified or no aircraft definition.
noalt1 There is no Alt1 airport defined.
noalt1route If the route to Alt1 is DCT.
noalt2 There is no Alt2 airport defined.
noalt2route If the route to Alt2 is DCT.
noautoupload If NoUpload condition is met or the AutoUpload condition not met.
noera If no ERA airport in ERAALT fulfills the criteria.
nopax If there are no pax.
noroute If there is no route.
novalidroute If the route is invalid with NAV or NM.
nowind If wind data is missing or too old.
offload If pax for the flight are auto offloaded or if the zero fuel mass for the flight is auto offloaded or if cargo for the flight is auto offloaded.
overload If the flight is overloaded.
syntax If "REG/" is missing in ATC Item 18.
underfuel If flight is under fueled.
UnknownError If an unhandled exception, system error or unknown error occurs.
Nofir If there is no FIR in the User airport.
InvalidFMS If there are invalid FMS Provider settings.
StatusManual If the flight does not have status AUTO.
SingleEngineOpsError If there is a Single Engine Ops Error.
OATLimit If the Outside Air Temperature (OAT) is equal to or below the limit ‘LimitOAT’.
NoValidRouteDistance If the route distance is less than the great circle distance.
NoValidWaypointsDistance If one of the waypoint distances calculated by PPS.exe is shorter than the great circle distance.
FillingError If filling to Amexsy and/or Crewbriefing is at fault.
PrevRejected If previously rejected by EuroControl.
NoPilot If Pilot In Command property is missing.