An error occurred while opening flight, probably due to missing data
If you Open a Flight from your Schedule flight List or from your CrewBriefing flight list you can in rare situations be met by this error:
An error occurred while opening flight, probably due to missing data
This could be one of the following reasons:
- Incorrect crew positions in your aircraft file compared to your data exported from your Schedule System.
- Mismatch or incorrect input in your MEL section.
Incorrect crew position
When synchronizing from a schedule you can add crew composition: 2 pilots, 5 cabin crew members and 2 ACM.
In your aircraft file, all these crew positions must be active in the specific configuration (you can add up to 6 different configurations)
In below example the aircraft file is only created with a PIC, FO, CA1 and a ACM.
If you have added a CA2, CA3, or ACM2 in your schedule system and transfer these positions to your flight, PPS cannot identify where to put these crew members as the positions are not activated and the error An error occurred while opening flight, probably due to missing data will appear.
To solve this please add the correct crew position like below, e.i. with a CA2 position (or which is necessary).
Then save the aircraft file, restart PPS and try to re-open the flight again.
Note, the correct setup is:
- FO
- CA1
- CA2
- CA3
- CA4
- CA5
- ACM2
- Catering
MEL.csv file incorrect
Often the MEL section is another issue, as this CSV file is often created by another system and imported to PPS. This can cause some faulty symbols or characters – or simply just a manual typo in the raw CSV file
An example here is a ; (semi-colon) to much in the raw CSV file which in incorrect.
PPS will always check the MEL.CSV file and other files when opening a flight from the Flight List. A solution is to navigate to the Data Editor => MEL tab and see if above error is present.
If so, open your PPS folder on your drive and duplicate the crew.csv file and rename it to e.i. mel_old.csv so you have a backup.
Then open the active mel.csv file in Notepad or Excel and remove alle data, except for the headers. Close the file again and go to PPS click on a different tab and then back to MEL to verify all MEL items are removed. Then restart PPS and try to re-open the flight.